Eugene Hretzay is a Mississauga Business Lawyer whom specializes in drafting up and reviewing business partnership and shareholder agreements. It is highly advised in business that if you are even thinking about going in to partnership or a shareholder agreement with one or more individuals, you should speak to a experienced business lawyer first who can guide you in protecting yourself.
Partnership Agreements
A Lawyer Can Help Protect You
Protect Yourself And Your Assets
Partnership Contracts
Legal Contracts For Shareholders
Mississauga Business Lawyer
A partnership is when 2 or more people combine their skills and in some cases their finances to create a business together. Responsibilities and duties of each partner should be first drafted up by a legal professional such as a business lawyer. Partnerships can be an excellent way to grow a business quicker then if one to go at it alone. In saying that a partnership agreement should always be done legally in order to protect yourself in the case of any future feuds or disagreements.
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LEXervice Professional Corporation
(416) 508-3472
55 City Centre Dr #1000
Mississauga ON
L5B 1M3